CAR Portfolio Analysis and Projection
CAR analysis
Our company is pleased to offer an analysis of the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) analysis and enhancement. CAR is the ratio that the insurance company considers to be important to their status and security. The higher the CAR, the higher the security, and the higher the trust. We provide advice and analysis on how to manage the business portfolio in order to keep CAR at the desired level. Our company has the expertise and experience necessary to provide reliable suggestions for our clients, helping them grow their businesses.
CAR projection
Our company provides specialized services to Non-Life Insurance companies for the projection of premium reserves and claim reserves including analysis towards IBNR and CAR ratio. The projection is suitable for insurance companies that seek opportunities for business improvement. Our company has the expertise and experience necessary to provide strong projection for our clients, helping them maintain, and enhance their businesses.
Our company shall discuss and get understanding in business plan especially written premium amount and premium earning pattern until end of projection while building a model of IBNR projection together with UPR and URR projection. Assumption setting each period forward and analysis the proportion of cash payment and case reserve movement each period are necessary to roll over Claim reserve and Premium reserve to each period until end of projection. Our projection can be done on yearly, quarterly, and monthly basis.
Our company can also provide the impact amount of the movement in liability side to flow into asset side and advise asset rolling methodology such that the clients can produce the asset projection.